Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Gorge Reserve

After a whirlwind first 2 weeks in Australia, life slowed to a more manageable level. We ate, we sang, we drank copious amounts of mediocre beer. One weekend Tyler suggested we go visit some wildlife, and so we did.

The Gorge wildlife Reserve is where all Australian animals go to retire. It was a peaceful open zoo set up in the middle of the beautiful Adelaide hills. First thing was first, we went to hold a koala. Wee what fun. It was like having a really furry, stoned little child for 10 seconds. Here Tyler holds the little tyke who couldn't be happier. And here's me (notice the koala is unchanged):

 After that earthshattering koala-holding moment we decided to browse around at the local fauna.

The redish game cock of Northern Checkistan:

The Pygmy Marmoset of somewhere interesting.

Here Pelican!

The koala on his day off.

Blue penguins of outer Mongolia
Steve and Earl

The biggest bats I have ever seen.
They are a fox.

Prehistoric Cassowary. Dangerous and sweet looking.

A white peacock in flight.
Mom with Roo in pouch. Father looking on in the

A crane.

Dingos. Cage strewn with babies.

Well that's about it for Australia. Tyler and I had a wonderful time in the rest of it but really none of it is fit for the internet. I loved the people, the animals and being so very far away from everything. I did not love the beer or the extreme price of alcohol but what do you do? It was a badass adventure on the sandy island in the southern hemisphere. Thanks Australia. On to Barcelona.

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