Hello friends,

The night before we left we managed to do a little shopping at the Sevilla H&M. Where was this place last year? (this comment is for Pants-Off!)

With heavy hearts we caught the bus to the Sevilla Train station. It was bitter sweet as it began to pour down rain at the very moment we were leaving. In a stroke of brilliance Rana and I did our damndest to miss our train. Just in time we hopped on and the doors closed behind us. From Sevilla we had a nice 3 hour ride. The trains are really the way to travel in Spain. It's first class baby. Spanish moms by the way are totally hip. Check out this one rockin' the Nintendo DS on the train ride.

We arrived in Granada and I instantly felt at home. It has almost been 7 years since I studied there but it's a small town. No problem. We found our hostel in about 15 minutos though we had to ask a few locals. It was completely unmarked save for Arabic writing. Check it out. Colin you will like this in Arabic this Maktub. It was an amazing place. Right when we got there we met an amazing girl from Venezulea and a cool guy from

Italy with whom we enjoyed some wine on the rooftop terrace. After that we decided to go down stairs and meet the other people and I litereally ran in an Indian girl coming out of her room. She was quickly followed by another Indian girl and an american man. We 5 became fast friends and we went with them to dinner. The girls were name Rupal and Nisha. Yep Rupal. The man was from Tacoma and his name was Jason. RuPaul for obvious reason went as "Boo." The girls were both born and raised in England but knew some Hindi so we decided to go to an Indian resturante. It was great fun and we got to know all about them. Then we went out dancing and jason taught us all the apple dance. I can't really explain it but well it's amazing.
So the next day we headed to the Alhambra, a Moorish fortress from the 1300s wow. Th

e gardens inside and fountains were truly spectacular. We walked around all day until it started raining and we had to take refuge in beer and an umbrella.

Here are some photos from the visit:

Rana playing in the gardens...and the on the wall

and again in the gardens...

So there we are. We found a tiny little door that sent Rana looking for Narnia:

Where is it Rana?
We had wonderful time and went back

to meet our new friends Boo Nisha and Jason. That night we has some excellent Lebanese food and smoked a hooka full of cherry flavored tobacco. Yum taskic. We thought our new friendship deserved a group portrait so we took one...

I'm sure you're dying to know so the photo from left to right kind-of goes like this Moi, Boo Nisha, Jason and Rana. Fun Times!
Sadly the next day we had to leave our new friends but Jason decided he would travel with us so only Boo and Nisha were left behind. We headed for Madrid on the train. WEEE!
When we got there Jason hung out for a few hours but had to catch the next train to Segovia where he was studying. We then headed to Rana's friend's house Maya. She was kind enough to put us up for the night.

We went out and found a fencing mask. Like ya you do. Here it is.

Early the next morning we headed with heavy hearts to the airport and before we knew it. We found ourselves back in Istanbul before we knew it.
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