Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Things I learned to do before I was Thirty

I have recently turned the big 30. Here is a list of things I find fun, funny, or at the very least interesting I have learned since my baby hood.

To shoot a bow and arrow
Make bread
Speak in public
Organize a field trip
Speak other languages
Ride a horse
play backgammon
build websites
Drive a stick shift car
Play guitar and piano
Write an epic poem
Cook Mexican food
To overcome fears
Write a book
Live in another country
Travel efficiently
Enjoy the little things
To kiss
To Dance
To not watch television

What did you learn before you turned 30?


Bethany said...

Devon! Am I allowed to blog stalk you? It's Bethany Kestner. Formerly Bethany Norman. :)

Looks like you've been busy becoming a world traveler, among other things. I love all your pictures!

Thirty was kinda weird, eh? I bet you had a hard time keeping the list of the things you've learned so short!

I'm going to have to go back to your home page and subscribe to your posts, cause it's stuff worth reading!

Take care!

Batter Junkie said...

Of course you can stalk Bethany! Try my other blog, if you're into cooking. I am kind of defaulting to that one a bit more.
Take care,