Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Festive Romp in Capitol Hill

There are mascots and there are icons. Pictured below is the latter my friends! 7 feet of pure unadulterated pink foam rubber waving at you certianly turns your head. Some friends and I were walking around Capitol hill on Sunday as we happened upon this prominent penis. At first we thought he might be selling Oscar Myer but soon realized that his aims were something far more pointed.

It is quite jarring to have something like this simply thrust into your day but as we looked on in wonderment we began to penetrate the real meaning of the display. Everyone there was encouraged to make friends with him, handle him. One lady even gave him a little kiss. Hey, Disney had Mickey, Nintendo had Mario why can't Gay City have, Captain Penis or the Erect Defender, or Super Dick? (pick one). Needless to say this made our day and we rode those happy thoughts all the way home.

Once home I felt the need to dig deeper into the penis mystery and so emerged: Healthy Penis. Healthy Penis was created in an effort to educate people about syphilis in San Francisco. Somehow he had managed to undulate his way up to Seattle to delight us and many others. Healthy Penis's growing fame is shown here in a very serious daily show article.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

A direction hath been unfurled before me

So you wonder where I've been? I've been plotting. Ever since I arrived back in the US I have had very few "travel adventures" to impart so I have been thinking of the best direction in which to take my blog. I think I may have found it.

I believe it will be:

A bunch of design, a bit of tech, and whatever humorous factoids might pop into my mind.

Today I thought I'd start it with: Things that strike me a silly. 10 of them to be exact.

1) White kids from the burbs who used the word "son" for emphasis.

2) Someone telling me a movie is awesome based solely on its special effects. (Exception Eric H.)

3) Expensive fruit.

4) That Velveeta is called a "Cheese product."

5) Signs that tell me to read them.

6) There is no 6.

7) Bad news on a good day.

8) People not eating pork because they think they'll get swine flu.

9) Chicken-Fried Steak.

10) Partially Hydrogenated intentions.